Monday, September 15, 2014

A Plan to Improve My Own Diet

Currently I am not maintaining a healthy lifestyle do to the fact that I am working full – time and attending school full – time. However, after graduation in November I plan on improving my eating habits. I know that this will not be a problem because I was once committed to healthy eating about three years ago. However, circumstances prohibited me from continuing.  I will have more time to prepare meals at home because I will not have to worry about homework assignments. I will also be able to increase my salary and will be able to afford to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables (organic). I have also agreed to begin yoga with a friend after she gives birth to her baby. Yoga is something that I have been interested in doing for about two years.  I want to be demonstrating to my family that healthy change is possible and increase their awareness. The clip below talks more about improving you diet.
                                         By: Gabrielle B. How to Change Your Diet
Bernstein, G. (2014). How to Change Your Diet [Video file]. Retrieved from

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