Monday, September 15, 2014

Characteristics of a Healthy Diet, Factors that Influence Food Choices and Barriers Associated with Choosing the Right Foods

Although, a healthy diet consist of fruits, vegetable, grains protein and dairy. Five additional characteristics make up a healthy diet and the characteristics are: adequacy, balance, calorie control, moderation and variety (Sizer & Whitney, 2014).
Adequacy is defined as “the dietary characteristic of providing all of the essential nutrients, fiber, and energy in amounts sufficient to maintain health and body weight” (Sizer & Whitney, 2014). Meaning it is important for people’s daily food intake to meet the daily intake recommendation(s) based on the following: recommended dietary allowance (RDA), adequate intake (AI), tolerable upper intake levels (UL) and estimated average requirements (EAR) according to Sizer & Whitney (2014).

Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) according to Sizer & Whitney (2014) is defined as the nutrient intake goals for individuals; the average daily nutrient intake level that meet the needs of nearly all (97%  to 98%) healthy people in a particular life stage and gender group.

Adequate Intake (AI)  as defined by Sizer & Whitney (2014) is the “nutrient intake goals for individuals; the recommended average daily nutrient intake level based on intakes on intakes of healthy people (observed or experimentally derived) in a particular stage and gender group and assumed to be adequate. Set whenever scientific data are insufficient to allow establishment of an RDA value.
Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (UL) is defined as “the highest average daily nutrient intake level that is likely to pose no risk of toxicity to almost all healthy individuals of a particular life stage and gender group. Usual intake above this level may place an individual at risk of illness from nutrient toxicity” (Sizer & Whitney,  2014).

According to Sizer & Whitney (2014) estimated average requirements (EAR) is defined as “the average daily nutrient intake estimated to meet the requirement of half the healthy individuals in a particular life stage and gender group; used in nutrition research and policy making and is the basis upon which RDA values are set.

Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDR) is defined as “values intake carbohydrate, fat, and protein expressed as percentages of total daily caloric intake; ranges of intakes set for energy – yielding nutrients that are sufficient to provide adequate total energy and nutrients while minimizing the risk of chronic diseases (Sizer & Whitney, 2014).
Please visit the following link: for the Dietary Reference Intake: Recommended Intakes for Individuals. This link will identify specific intake requirements for all age groups.

Balance according to Sizer & Whitney (2014) is defined as “the dietary characteristic of providing of a number of types in proportion to each other, such that foods rich in some nutrients do not crowd out the diet foods that are rich in other foods”.

When it comes to calorie control it is necessary for a person to have “control over the energy intake; a feature of a sound diet plan” according to Sizer & Whitney (2014).
Moderation according to Sizer & Whitney (2014) is defined as “the dietary characteristic of providing constituents within set limits, not to excess”. In other words, be mindful and do not over eat foods that are considered unhealthy for you. Over the years, people have not been mindful of what they eat; therefore, food portions have doubled and in some accounts have tripled (Sizer & Whitney, 2014). The amount of calories some food hold today has doubled to triple as well. As a result, obesity has increased in both adults and children over the past decade. Even when eating healthy foods it is equally critical to consider moderation. This is because too much of a healthy food can impact two characteristics associated with a healthy diet, which are adequacy and balance.

Variety is defined as “the dietary characteristic of providing a wide selection of foods - the opposite of monotony (Sizer & Whitney, 2014). 
By eating a healthy diet there are great rewards.  Benefits associated with eating healthy according to Sizer & Whitney (2014) are:

·         People maintain a healthy weight

·         Lower risk for disease (diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cancer and digestive disease and disorders)

·         Maintain a healthy digestive tract

·         Increase stamina

·         Healthy mental status

·         Longer life expectancy
However, there are factors that drive people food choices, even those people who want to live a healthy lifestyle (Sizer & Whitney, 2014). The factors that influence food choices are: psychological, physical, social and philosophical (Sizer & Whitney, 2014).
Psychological refers to a person’s mood, stress level or guilt (European Food Information Council (EFIC), 2005 & 2014). For example: The majority of us are guilty of overindulging in unhealthy foods we should not. Especially during a period in our life when things are not going accordingly, this would be a psychological influence.
Tips to Encourage Healthy Eating Habits
It is important not to purchase your favorite comforting foods when you are not emotional stable.
Physical factors according to EFIC (2005 & 2014) and based on scientific based evidence concludes that people’s education level and geographical location impacts food choices. Research shows that people less educated have poorer eating habits (EFIC, 2005 & 2014) and geographical location is a contributing factor too.
Tips to Encourage Healthy Eating Habits
Read about how to change eating habits and search for simple recipes that promote healthy eating
Social characteristics that influence food choices are:  culture, family, peers and meal patterns (EFIC, 2005 & 2014). For example: When interacting with others interaction usually centers around food. Family gatherings during the holidays or special occasions are examples of social interaction. Therefore, during these times the abundance of food and selection choices influence attitudes and habits (EFIC, 2005 & 2014). Which develop through the interaction with others (2005 & 2014).
Tips to Encourage Healthy Eating Habits
When interacting with others and it centers around food become aware of food portions. Drink a glass of water prior to eating and use a smaller plate when possible.
Philosophical derives from the word philosophy; therefore, what a person thinks or what a person perceives influence food choices. 
Tips to Encourage Healthy Eating Habits
Do not be afraid to try new foods that are healthy, because you are convinced by “hear say” that the taste of the food is not appealing.  
                                        Barriers to Healthy Eating in Vulnerable Populations

Dietary Reference Intakes: Recommended Intakes for Individuals. (n.d.). Retrieved from Inited States
Department of Agriculture National Agricultuiral Library website:

Presented by the Cal State Los Angeles Nutritional Science Program and the Student Dietetic
Association. (2012). Barriers to Healthy Eating in Vulnerable Populations [Video file].
Retrieved from
  Sizer, F., & Whitney, E. (2013). Nutrition: Concepts and controversies (13th ed.). Mason, OH:Cengage Learning

 The Determinants of Food Choice (2005 & 2014). Retrieved from The European Food Information Council (EUFIC) website:

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